
Sneak Peak #2

This sneak peak is from a story about a group of kids bent on finding adventure.

Beverly's first impression of the Simpson place was that it was big.

It wasn't mansion or castle big, but it was a large two story with big windows all around. Its wooden shingles were faded and weathered, and several were littered over the ground. The window panes had an empty look to them that made her rather sad. As they approached the porch, she noted that it was saggy and rotten.

"Are we sure we don't want a tamer adventure?" Rilla asked into the silence that suddenly surrounded them.

"Don't be such a chicken," Colin said scornfully, but even he was looking a little nervous.

"It doesn't look too bad." Beverly was the first to step onto the porch. It creaked loudly, and she felt it sink slightly under her weight.

"Well, the ghosts aren't on the outside," Leora said, eyeing the nearest window warily.

Mary clapped her on the shoulder, giving her most cheery smile. "Haven't you heard that there's safety in numbers?"

"I'm just glad we decided to do this in daylight," Jared said, taking his notebook out of his pocket and a pen from behind his ear. "2:04. Approached house. Nervous, but all's well."

"I guess the next step is to open the door," Kris's voice was shaking and she was holding on to the backpack she had insisted on bringing so tightly that her knuckles were white.

Rilla climbed the steps onto the porch, which creaked even louder. Beverly wondered whether they should only be stepping on it one at a time. She continued to wonder this as, one by one, the rest of the group fololowed Rilla. Merry seemed to be right about the strength in numbers thing, because once they were crowded together, most of the fear seemed to be replaced by anticipation. In a way, Beverly was glad she had never heard any of the stories concerning the place.

"Well, here goes nothing," Leora said, stepping up to the door and putting a hand on the knob.

A low groan came from the house and Beverly felt her nerve waver. Jackie, beside her, grabbed her arm, face ashen.

"Wh...what was that?" Kris squeaked.

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